Foundry - 铸造厂
generative foundryp1xelboy2024铸造厂
Blockchain: Lambda Chain Mainnet
Public Mint Time:
Local Time: 03/25/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+0)
Public Mint Price: 500 LAMBDA
Total Supply: 500
60/500 minted
Mint Count:
Dot Style
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
Dots - 16 (26.67%)
Squares - 44 (73.33%)
Extra Shape Type
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
Circles and Squares - 10 (16.67%)
Squares - 22 (36.67%)
Circles - 28 (46.67%)
Extra Shapes
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
1 - 4 (6.67%)
2 - 4 (6.67%)
8 - 5 (8.33%)
3 - 7 (11.67%)
5 - 7 (11.67%)
7 - 7 (11.67%)
9 - 7 (11.67%)
4 - 8 (13.33%)
6 - 11 (18.33%)
Gradient Direction
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
Vertical - 29 (48.33%)
Horizontal - 31 (51.67%)
Night Mode
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
true - 10 (16.67%)
false - 50 (83.33%)
Palette Type
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
Kabuki - 1 (1.67%)
Night Mode Green - 1 (1.67%)
Dali - 1 (1.67%)
Blue Neon - 1 (1.67%)
Cherry Blossom - 1 (1.67%)
Wowser - 1 (1.67%)
Monochrome - 1 (1.67%)
RGB - 1 (1.67%)
Vertigo - 1 (1.67%)
CMY - 1 (1.67%)
Evolved Basics - 1 (1.67%)
Mediterranean - 1 (1.67%)
Flames - 1 (1.67%)
Pacific - 1 (1.67%)
Neon - 1 (1.67%)
Patchwork - 1 (1.67%)
Night Mode Blue - 1 (1.67%)
Rhubarb - 2 (3.33%)
Night Mode Magenta - 2 (3.33%)
Praslin Dawn - 2 (3.33%)
Regal - 2 (3.33%)
Harvest Gold - 2 (3.33%)
Winter - 2 (3.33%)
Spark - 2 (3.33%)
Faded Rose - 2 (3.33%)
Jasmin - 2 (3.33%)
Groovy - 2 (3.33%)
Night Mode Red - 3 (5.00%)
Maneki - 3 (5.00%)
Cadiz - 3 (5.00%)
Night Mode Yellow - 3 (5.00%)
Corn Field - 3 (5.00%)
Mono and Red - 4 (6.67%)
Cannes - 4 (6.67%)
Value Floor PriceCountPercent
Horizontal Lines - 1 (1.67%)
Vertical Lines - 2 (3.33%)
Horizontal Blocks - 2 (3.33%)
Four Circles - 3 (5.00%)
Grid - 3 (5.00%)
Horizontal Stripes - 3 (5.00%)
Vertical Blocks - 4 (6.67%)
Vertical Stripes - 5 (8.33%)
Circle - 6 (10.00%)
Square - 12 (20.00%)
Natural - 19 (31.67%)